
Thank you for your interest in Sandvine!

To apply for this position, attach your resume (and any supporting documents you would like to share), and complete the fields below marked with a red asterisk *.

When you have finished, click Submit at the bottom of this form.

Resume & Attachments

Add Resume & Attachments

Personal Information

In addition to providing us with your resume, you can upload your resume or LinkedIn profile to fill in the required application fields below:

  • Click the Upload Resume to use your resume 
  • Click the LinkedIn link to use your LinkedIn profile

Please note: All resumes must be submitted in English and be in of the following formats: DOC, DOCX, RTF, PDF, TXT, HTML.


Upload resume Upload resume

Create a Sandvine Careers Profile (New Users)

Your email address will be used as your login name,  allowing you to update your profile in future.  

If you have already created a profile with us, simply click on "Returning Applicant" at the bottom of the job posting you are interested in applying to.

Please create your password.
Passwords must be at least six(6) characters in length.

How did you hear about us?



In submitting your employment application data, and related personal information, to Sandvine you agree to the following terms of use:

The collection, use, and disclosure of personal information contained in employment application documents sent to Sandvine, in any form, are governed by this Privacy Policy.  This policy is intended to comply fully with applicable federal and provincial privacy legislation. Personal information is protected and collected pursuant to these pieces of legislation.

Employment application documents are collected in a central database, located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.  The information is used by Sandvine's Human Resources (HR) staff, hiring managers, and third-party recruitment representatives, at Sandvine offices worldwide, for recruitment, employment, evaluative, and statistical purposes.  The information is used to assess applicant knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes against the Corporation's employment opportunities.  Additionally, the information may be used for reporting purposes as required by applicable law.  Personal information provided will not be used for any unrelated purpose without the consent of the individual.

Information in the database will not be shared with third-parties unless such third-parties are acting on behalf of Sandvine, under contract, and as bound by terms of confidentiality and applicable privacy requirements.

Sandvine will protect information contained within the database in ways similar to how Sandvine protects its own personal and confidential information, through restricted user access and password protection.

Sandvine reserves the right to change this policy at any time.  All changes will be updated immediately on the Sandvine website.

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