Events Operations Assistant Manager
To submit your application, please complete these steps. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

Email Registration

Your email address will be used as your login name allowing you to return to our website to update your profile.

If you are a returning applicant, please sign in or reset your password using the Login button.

Hamilton Island Enterprises Privacy Policy

Before you commence your application please take some time to read the Privacy Policy linked below which explains how Hamilton Island Enterprises Limited (including its subsidiaries, related bodies corporate and business operations) collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information under the Australian Privacy Principles.

I agree to HIE Privacy Policy

Personal Information

How did you hear about us?

Additional Information

Have you previously worked for Hamilton Island Enterprises?

Do you have any prepaid holidays or events booked within the next 6 months, which would require you take time off?

Are you applying with a friend or partner?

Our Hamilton Island Presentation Policy states our employees cannot have visible tattoos that are deemed offensive or obscene, and hair not to be unnatural in colour. Can you comply with this?

As part of the selection process you may be required to undertake pre-employment background checks, including identity verification, criminal history, bankruptcy or credit reference checks, medical assessment, drug and alcohol screening. Would you be prepared to undertake these checks?

Do you have any current or pre-existing injuries or medical conditions that could prevent you from fulfilling the requirements of the role or impact your ability to reside in staff accommodation which may include shared rooms and/or facilities such as shared kitchens, bathrooms, and laundries (this is subject to position eligibility)?

(Optional) Please provide information on any documents, certifications and licenses which you currently hold. On the next page, please upload copies of each of these documents.

If you selected Other as the document type, please specify

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Upload Your Resume

Upload your resume if you have not already done so.

The following formats are supported: gif, .html, .htm, .rtf, .doc, .pdf, .zip, .docx, .csv, .txt, .gz, .xlsx, .xls, .ppt, .pptx.

Note: You can attach a total of up to 10MB of data. Your resume and all attachments combined must be less than 10MB.

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Add Resume


Upload any additional attachments.

Note: You can attach a total of up to 10MB of data. Your resume and all attachments combined must be less than 10MB.

Please ensure that in the Description field, you accurately describe the item which you are adding.

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Candidate Sign Off

I certify that all of the information in this application is true and correct as of this date.

Application Review