Investment Banking Analyst/Associate – Healthcare
To submit your application, please complete these steps. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

Email Registration

Your email address will be used as your login name allowing you to return to our website to update your profile. Passwords must be at least six (6) characters long. Only digits, letters and underscores are allowed.

If you are a returning applicant, please sign in or reset your password using the Login button.

Returning Applicants

If you are a returning applicant, please sign in or reset your password using the Login button above.

Save Time

Use your resume or LinkedIn Profile to fill in many of the fields on this application form.

Personal Information

Depending on the position, you may be invited to complete a recorded HireVue OnDemand video via email. This is the first step in the recruiting process and our opportunity to learn more about your qualifications and interest in Piper Sandler. If invited to complete a recorded HireVue OnDemand video, do you have access to an internet connected device with a camera and microphone (computer, tablet or mobile phone)?

How did you hear about us?

Use the fields below to indicate how you learned about opportunities with Piper Sandler.

Additional Information

If hired, can you submit verification of your U.S. citizenship or proof of your legal right to live and work in this country without any restrictions as to the length of the employment period? (Answer no if you are in a non-immigrant status such as H, L, E, TN, B or F.)

Employment History

Please state your employment history for the preceding ten years, if applicable, including all full-time, part-time, self-employment, internship, summer, temporary, and contractor employment; regardless of relevance to the position for which you are applying.

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Education History

Please provide all education details beginning with the most recent.

Degree Achieved:

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Upload Your Resume

Upload your resume if you have not already done so.

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Additional Attachments

Upload any additional attachments such as cover letter, portfolio, certifications, etc.

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To be completed only if you are currently or have been licensed.

License Details

Please add any licenses you may hold (i.e. Series 6, Series 7, Series 24, Series 63, etc).

Add Certificates/Licences


Please read the following statements, and sign where indicated to signify your understanding. If you need clarification on any statement, please ask before signing.

Drug-Free Workplace Policy Summary

Piper Sandler recognizes that alcohol and drug abuse adversely affects job performance and safety in the workplace. We believe that a productive and safe work environment is in the best interest of our employees, our clients and our shareholders. Therefore, it is the Company’s policy to maintain a workplace free from the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol. The Company requires that all employees and applicants participate in, consent to and comply with the terms of this Policy as a condition of employment and continued employment. This statement is only a summary of the Policy. Upon request, a copy of the complete Policy, which establishes and governs the Company’s expectations in this area, will be provided to you if a conditional offer of employment has been extended.

This Policy applies to all applicants for employment and to all employees, including contract or employees of temporary employment agencies. The Policy is applicable at all company facilities and on all company premises, in company vehicles, or wherever company employees are performing company business.

Employee drug and alcohol testing may occur, except where limited by law, where there is reasonable cause that an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, post-accident, return-to-duty, follow-up or rehabilitation/treatment program testing. Piper Sandler will use only certified laboratories to conduct testing. Test results will be kept confidential and used only for business purposes.

Employees may refuse to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test; however, refusal may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Individuals tested may explain a positive test result on a confirmatory test or request and pay for an additional confirmatory test using the same specimen. Positive test results may result in an employee being referred for a substance abuse assessment or rehabilitation program and/or being subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Proof of Eligibility For Work

I understand that if I am hired, I must be able to prove my identity and my eligibility to work in the United States using forms and documentation deemed acceptable by the Department of Homeland Security. I acknowledge that failure to do so may constitute grounds for termination.

Work Permit

If state law requires me to furnish a work permit because I am under the age of 18, I will do so no later than my first day of employment.

Employing Relatives

Because of the potential for conflicts of interest, the appearance of favoritism and other issues, Piper Sandler reserves the right to prohibit or restrict the employment of relatives.

Employment At-Will

I understand that nothing in this application is intended to imply or create a contract for employment. I further understand that, if hired, my employment will be at-will and may be terminated by me or by Piper Sandler at any time, with or without notice, for any reason or no reason at all, and that the terms of my employment, compensation or benefits may be changed at any time, without advance notice or my consent. I also understand that while personnel policies and procedures may necessarily change from time to time, no representative of Piper Sandler has the authority to enter into any agreement with me which alters my status as an at-will employee or to guarantee some other benefit, unless approved in writing by the Head of Human Resources or his or her designee. 


I certify that all statements I have made on this application are true and complete;

I have withheld nothing that would, if disclosed, affect this application unfavorably.

I understand that any omission or misrepresentation of fact may result in refusal of employment or immediate termination; this employment application and any other Company documents or manuals do not constitute contracts of employment and any oral or written statements to the contrary are hereby expressly disavowed and should not be relied upon by me. I authorize the investigation of all statements I have made in this application; the solicitation of any and all information from previous employers, colleagues and other persons concerning previous employment and any pertinent information they may have.

I release Piper Sandler, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates, including all of its officer's agents, representatives and employees, for any and all liabilities and damages arising out of submission to a drug test or a criminal background inquiry and consumer report obtained for employment purposes.

All parties from all liability for any damage that may result from furnishing any of the information authorized above.

I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the above statements.

Candidate Sign Off

I certify that all of the information in this application is true and correct as of this date.

Full Legal Name

Application Review